Recap of Student Medicover’s Campus Visits in April

Recap of Student Medicover's Campus Visits in April

Recap of Student Medicover's Campus Visits in April

2024 Campus Tour

April, the season of spring blossoms, witnessed the vibrant presence of the Student Medicover team across seven campuses, hosting over ten exciting offline events and engaging with over 500 international students.

1.Campus Footprints Overview

University of California, San Diego: On April 2nd, we participated in UCSD’s Spring Career Fair, engaging in warm conversations with numerous talented students. Additionally, we sponsored the Care&Share donation event organized by AHAA, contributing to the community with heartfelt donations.

University of Virginia: Also on April 2nd, we actively participated in UVA’s campus recruitment event, sharing our medical insurance services with students. On April 3rd, we organized a free bubble tea giveaway and chat event, adding a touch of relaxation and joy to the campus atmosphere.

University of California, Irvine: On April 9th, we attended UCI’s Spring Career Fair and hosted an offline offer event, providing more job opportunities for graduating students

University of California, Los Angeles: On April 10th, we gathered with UCLA students at the Spring Career Fair, discussing potential career development opportunities and providing valuable employment information.

University of California, Berkeley: On April 10th, we were also present at UCB’s Spring Career Fair, engaging in deep conversations with students, sharing knowledge about medical insurance, and helping them better plan for the future.

University of California, Davis and University of California, Santa Barbara: On April 17th and 18th respectively, we participated in the Spring Career Fairs at UCD and UCSB, providing students with more opportunities to learn about medical insurance and explore future directions.

2.Significance of Hosting Campus Events

As a health insurance company catering to international students, we deeply understand that students’ needs are at the core of our service. In April, we organized multiple events and engaged in in-depth discussions with international students from various universities. We eagerly anticipate understanding their requirements better to provide insurance services tailored to the student community. We are committed to working hand in hand with universities to offer even more attentive insurance services to students.

It’s worth mentioning that at the universities we visited, over 90% of international students have been insured with Student Medicover’s health insurance. This indicates that we have a deeper understanding of this group, as we grow alongside them and face the medical challenges of student life together. This also motivates us to listen even more closely to their voices, meet their needs, and ensure they have peace of mind with health coverage while studying abroad.

3.Looking Forward to the Future

Student Medicover will immerse more deeply into campuses to serve students. Whether it’s participating in campus career fairs or various events, we will actively engage, interact face-to-face with students, answer their questions, and provide help and support. Stay tuned for our arrival, follow our updates, and feel free to approach us with any inquiries. We are here to serve you wholeheartedly!